Prague Diaries: 90 Days To Go
By Chris O'Keefe
This week I've done nearly 24 miles in three sessions and I'm shattered. The latest run was last night. On Wednesday I ran my first of three. The pedometer showed 7.75 miles on the clock and it only took me 45 minutes to do.
However the pedometer isn't working properly now because when I reach a mile mark it goes back to zero. So I have no idea how much I'm running. The joys of modern technology!
Meanwhile I was contacted by Iain Jenkinson from Barnardo's who said I would get my fundraising kit soon.
I 'm actually quite confident of breaking 4 hours 30 minutes. In fact I could be as bould as to say that under 4 hours isn't out of the question. I might live to regret those words.